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更新日期:2009-08-22   |  點(diǎn)擊率:3212








1.             Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S: Salicylic acid deficiency in NahG transgenic lines and sid2 mutants increases seed yield in the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
2.             Abreu MH, Varela DA, Henríquez L, Villarroel A, Yarish C, Sousa-Pinto I, Buschmann AH: Traditional vs. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, J. McLachlan & E. C. Oliveira: Productivity and physiological performance Aquaculture 2009, 293(3-4):211-220. [DIVING-PAM]
3.             Aikawa S, Hattori H, Gomi Y, Watanabe K, Kudoh S, Kashino Y, Satoh K: Diel tuning of photosynthetic systems in ice algae at Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan Polar Science 2009, 3(1):57-72. [PHYTO-PAM]
4.             Allahverdiyeva Y, Mamedov F, Holmstr?m M, Nurmi M, Lundin B, Styring S, Spetea C, Aro E-M: Comparison of the electron transport properties of the psbo1 and psbo2 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787(10):1230-1237. [PAM-100]
5.             Almeida CMR, Dias AC, Mucha AP, Bordalo AA, Vasconcelos MTSD: Influence of surfactants on the Cu phytoremediation potential of a salt marsh plant Chemosphere 2009, 75(2):135-140. [DIVING-PAM]
6.             Ay N, Irmler K, Fischer A, Uhlemann R, Reuter G, Humbeck K: Epigenetic programming via histone methylation at WRKY53 controls leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 2009, 58(2):333-346. [IMAGING-PAM]
7.             Bally J, Nadai M, Vi M, Rolland A, Dumain R, Dubald M: Plant Physiological Adaptations to the Massive Foreign Protein Synthesis Occurring in Recombinant Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1474-1481. [PAM-2500]
8.             Bartolomé MC, D'ors A, Sánchez-Fortún S: Toxic effects induced by salt stress on selected freshwater prokaryotic and eukaryotic microalgal species Ecotoxicology 2009, 18(2):174-179. [TOXY-PAM]
9.             Baumann HA, Morrison L, Stengel DB: Metal accumulation and toxicity measured by PAM—Chlorophyll fluorescence in seven species of marine macroalgae Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2009, 72(4):1063-1075. [PAM-2000]
10.          Bernát G, Waschewski N, R?gner M: Towards efficient hydrogen production: the impact of antenna size and external factors on electron transport dynamics in Synechocystis PCC 6803 Photosynthesis Research 2009, 99(3):205-216. [DUAL-PAM-100]
11.          Betterle N, Ballottari M, Zorzan S, de Bianchi S, Cazzaniga S, Dall'Osto L, Morosinotto T, Bassi R: Light-induced Dissociation of an Antenna Hetero-oligomer Is Needed for Non-photochemical Quenching Induction. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009, 284(22):15255-15266. [PAM-100]
12.          Bode S, Quentmeier CC, Liao P-N, Hafi N, Barros T, Wilk L, Bittner F, Walla PJ: On the regulation of photosynthesis by excitonic interactions between carotenoids and chlorophylls. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009, 106:12311-12316. [PAM-100]
13.          Buma AGJ, Sjollema SB, van de Poll WH, Klamer HJC, Bakkerb\\ JF: Impact of the antifouling agent Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton species Journal of Sea Research 2009, 61(3):133-139. [PAM-2000, WATER-PAM]
14.          Cai W, Ji D, Peng L, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L: LPA66 Is Required for Editing psbF Chloroplast Transcripts in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1260-1271. [PAM-2000, PAM-100]
15.          Cantin NE, van Oppen MJH, Willis BL, Mieog JC, Negri2 AP: Juvenile corals can acquire more carbon from high-performance algal symbionts Coral Reefs 2009, 28(2):405-414. [DIVING-PAM]
16.          Cela J, Arrom L, Munné-Bosch S: Diurnal changes in photosystem II photochemistry, photoprotective compounds and stress-related phytohormones in the CAM plant, Aptenia cordifolia Plant Science 2009:in press. [MINI-PAM]
17.          Cela J, Falk J, Munné-Bosch S: Ethylene signaling may be involved in the regulation of tocopherol biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters 2009, 583(6):992-996. [MINI-PAM]
18.          Chartrand KM, Durako MJ, Blum JE: Effect of hyposalinity on the photophysiology of Siderastrea radians Marine Biology 2009, 156(8):1691-1702. [DIVING-PAM]
19.          Chen J, Xia X, Yin W: Expression profiling and functional characterization of a DREB2-type gene from Populus euphratica Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009, 378(3):483-487. [DUAL-PAM-100]
20.          Chiu Y-F, Lin W-C, Wu C-M, Chen Y-H, Hung C-H, Ke S-C, Chu H-A: Identification and characterization of a cytochrome b559 Synechocystis 6803 mutant spontaneously generated from DCMU-inhibited photoheterotrophical growth conditions Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009:in press. [DUAL-PAM-100]
21.          Coelho H, Calado R, Olaguer-Feliú AO, Vieira S, Queiroga H, Ser?dio J: Nondestructive quantification of phytoplankton gut content of brachyuran crab megalopae using in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence. Journal of Plankton Research 2009, 31:577-581. [WATER-PAM]
22.          Collier CJ, Lavery PS, Ralph PJ, Masini RJ: Shade-induced response and recovery of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2009, 370(1-2):89-103. [DIVING-PAM]
23.          Cooper TF, Ulstrup KE: Mesoscale variation in the photophysiology of the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis along an environmental gradient Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2009, 83(2):186-196. [IMAGING-PAM]
24.          Dai Y, Shao M, Hannaway D, Wang L, Liang J, Hua L, Lu H: Effect of Thrips tabaci on anatomical features, photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Hypericum sampsonii leaves Crop Protection 2009, 28(4):327-332. [MINI-PAM]
25.          Dai Y-J, Shen Z-G, Liu Y, Wang L-L, Hannaway D, Lu H-F: Effects of shade treatments on the photosynthetic capacity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chlorophyll content of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009, 65(2-3):177-182. [GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]
26.          Dankov K, Busheva M, Stefanov D, Apostolova EL: Relationship between the degree of carotenoid depletion and function of the photosynthetic apparatus Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009, 96(149-56):PAM-100. [Plant Physiology]
27.          Davoult D, Migné A, Créach A, Gévaert F, Hubas C, Spilmont N, Boucher G: Spatio-temporal variability of intertidal benthic primary production and respiration in the western part of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay (Western English Channel, France) Hydrobiologia 2009, 620(1):163-172. [DIVING-PAM]
28.          Depuydt S, Trenkamp S, Fernie AR, Elftieh S, Renou J-P, Vuylsteke M, Holsters M, Vereecke D: An Integrated Genomics Approach to Define Niche Establishment by Rhodococcus fascians. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:1366-1386. [IMAGING-PAM]
29.          Ding S, Lu Q, Zhang Y, Yang Z, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C: Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased lutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state Plant Molecular Biology 2009, 69(5):577-592. [PAM-2000]
30.          Downs CA, Kramarsky-Winter E, Woodley CM, Downs A, Winters G, Loya Y, Ostrander GK: Cellular pathology and histopathology of hypo-salinity exposure on the coral Stylophora pistillata Science of The Total Environment 2009, 407(17):4838-4851. [DIVING-PAM]
31.          Drath M, Baier K, Forchhammer K: An alternative methionine aminopeptidase, MAP-A, is required for nitrogen starvation and high-light acclimation in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Microbiology 2009, 155:1427-1439. [WATER-PAM]
32.          Dutta S, Mohanty S, Tripathy BC: Role of Temperature Stress on Chloroplast Biogenesis and Protein Import in Pea. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1050-1061. [PAM-2100]
33.          Else MA, Janowiak F, Atkinson CJ, Jackson MB: Root signals and stomatal closure in relation to photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and adventitious rooting of flooded tomato plants. Annals of Botany 2009, 103:313-323. [PAM-2000]
34.          Enríquez S, ?vila E, Carballo JL: Phenotypic plasticity induced in transplant experiments in a mutualistic association between the red alga Jania adhaerens (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) and the sponge Haliclona caerulea (Porifera: Haplosclerida): morphological responses of the alga. Journal of Phycology 2009, 45(1):81-90. [DIVING-PAM]
35.          Figueroa FL, Korbee N, Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Mata M, Bonomi J, Sánchez-Castillo PM: The effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as chlorophyll fluorescence in Zygnemopsis decussata (Chlorophyta) growing in a high mountain lake (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Journal of Limnology 2009, 68(2):206-216. [DIVING-PAM]
36.          Franklin D, Choi CJ, Hughes C, Malin G, Berges JA: Effect of dead phytoplankton cells on the apparent efficiency of photosystem II. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2009, 382:35-40. [PHYTO-PAM]
37.          Fredersdorf J, Müller R, Becker S, Wiencke C, Bischof K: Interactive effects of radiation, temperature and salinity on different life history stages of the Arctic kelp Alaria esculenta (Phaeophyceae) Oecologia 2009, 160(3):483-492. [PAM-2100, WATER-PAM]
38.          Fristedt R, Carlberg I, Zygadlo A, Piippo M, Nurmi M, Aro E-M, Scheller HV, Vener AV: Intrinsically Unstructured Phosphoprotein TSP9 Regulates Light Harvesting in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemistry 2009, 48(2):499-509. [PAM-100]
39.          Gao Y, Xiong W, Li X-b, Gao C-F, Zhang Y-l, Li H, Wu Q-y: Identification of the proteomic changes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 following prolonged UV-B irradiation. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009, 60(4):1141-1154. [WATER-PAM]
40.          García-Cerdán JG, Sveshnikov D, Dewez D, Jansson S, Funk C, Schr?der WP: Antisense Inhibition of the PsbX Protein Affects PSII Integrity in the Higher Plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiology 2009, 50(2):191-202. [PAM-100]
41.          Giannelli L, Scoma A, Torzillo G: Interplay between light intensity, chlorophyll concentration and culture mixing on the hydrogen production in sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures grown in laboratory photobioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2009:in press. [PAM-2100]
42.          Granath G, Strengbom J, Breeuwer A, Heijmans MMPD, Berendse F, Rydin H: Photosynthetic performance in Sphagnum transplanted along a latitudinal nitrogen deposition gradient Oecologia 2009, 159(4):705-715. [MINI-PAM]
43.          Grouneva I, Jakob T, Wilhelm C, Goss R: The regulation of xanthophyll cycle activity and of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching by two alternative electron flows in the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Cyclola meneghiniana Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787(7):929-938. [DUAL-PAM-100]
44.          Halac S, García-Mendoza E, Banaszak AT: Ultraviolet Radiation Reduces the Photoprotective Capacity of the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae, Heterokontophyta). Photochemistry and Photobiology 2009, 85(3):807-815. [DIVING-PAM]
45.          Hall SR, Becker CR, Simonis JL, Duffy MA, Tessier AJ, Cáceres CE: Friendly competition: evidence for a dilution effect among competitors in a planktonic host–parasite system. Ecology 2009, 90(6):1441-1448. [PHYTO-PAM]
46.          Hansson A, Jensen PE: Chlorophyll limitation in plants remodels and balances the photosynthetic apparatus by changing the accumulation of photosystems I and II through two different approaches. Physiologia Plantarum 2009, 135(2):214-218. [PAM-100]
47.          Harada H, Vila-Costa M, Cebrian J, Kiene RP: Effects of UV radiation and nitrate limitation on the production of biogenic sulfur compounds by marine phytoplankton Aquatic Botany 2009, 90(1):37-42. [WATER-PAM]
48.          Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C: Lichen Substances Prevent Lichens from Nutrient Deficiency Journal of Chemical Ecology 2009, 35(1):71-73. [PAM-2100]
49.          H?usler RE, Geimer S, Kunz HH, Schmitz J, D?rmann P, Bell K, Hetfeld S, Guballa A, Flügge U-I: Chlororespiration and Grana Hyperstacking: How an Arabidopsis Double Mutant Can Survive Despite Defects in Starch Biosynthesis and Daily Carbon Export from Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:515-533. [PAM-2100]
50.          Higuchi M, Ozaki H, Matsui M, Sonoike K: A T-DNA insertion mutant of AtHMA1 gene encoding a Cu transporting ATPase in Arabidopsis thaliana has a defect in the water–water cycle of photosynthesis Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009, 94(3):205-213. [PAM-100]
51.          Holzinger A, Roleda MY, Lütz C: The vegetative arctic freshwater green alga Zygnema is insensitive to experimental UV exposure MIcron 2009:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
52.          H?lzl G, Witt S, Gaude N, Melzer M, Sch?ttler MA, D?rmann P: The Role of Diglycosyl Lipids in Photosynthesis and Membrane Lipid Homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1147-1159. [DUAL-PAM-100, KLAS-100]
53.          Horn LE, Paling EI, Keulen Mv: Photosynthetic recovery of transplanted Posidonia sinuosa, Western Australia. Aquatic Botany 2009, 90(2):149-156. [DIVING-PAM]
54.          Hu M-J, Guo Y-P, Shen Y-G, Guo D-P, Li D-Y: Midday depression of photosynthesis and effects of mist spray in citrus. Annals of Applied Biology 2009, 154(1):143-155. [PAM-2000]
55.          Jampeetong A, Brix H: Oxygen stress in Salvinia natans: Interactive effects of oxygen availability and nitrogen source Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009, 66(2):153-159. [PAM-2000]
56.          Jesus B, Brotas V, Ribeiro L, Mendes CR, Cartaxana P, Paters DM: Adaptations of microphytobenthos assemblages to sediment type and tidal position Continental Shelf Research 2009, 29(13):1624-1634. [DIVING-PAM]
57.          Johnson MP, Pérez-Bueno ML, Zia A, Horton P, Ruban AV: The Zeaxanthin-Independent and Zeaxanthin-Dependent qE Components of Nonphotochemical Quenching Involve Common Conformational Changes within the Photosystem II Antenna in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology 2009, 149:1061-1075. [DUAL-PAM-100]
58.          Johnson MP, Ruban AV: Photoprotective energy dissipation in higher plants involves alteration of the excited state energy of the emitting chlorophyll(s) in LHCII. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009:in press. [PAM-100]
59.          Ker?nen M, Aro E-M, Nevalainen O, Tyystj?rvi E: Toxic and non-toxic Nodularia strains can be distinguished from each other and from eukaryotic algae with chlorophyll fluorescence fingerprinting Harmful Algae 2009, 8(5):817-822. [PAM-100]
60.          Kim E-H, Li X-P, Razeghifard R, Anderson JM, Niyogi KK, Pogson BJ, Chow WS: The multiple roles of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complexes define structure and optimize function of Arabidopsis chloroplasts: A study using two chlorophyll b-less mutants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787:973-984. [PAM-100]
61.          Kim J-H, Lee MH, Moon YR, Kim J-S, Wi SG, Kim TH, Chung BY: Characterization of metabolic disturbances closely linked to the delayed senescence of Arabidopsis leaves after γ irradiation Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
62.          Kitao M, L?w M, Heerdt C, Grams TEE, H?berle K-H, Matyssek R: Effects of chronic elevated ozone exposure on gas exchange responses of adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) as related to the within-canopy light gradient Environmental Pollution 2009, 157(2):537-544. [IMAGING-PAM]
63.          Kl?ring H-P, Zude M: Sensing of tomato plant response to hypoxia in the root environment Scientia Horticulturae 2009, 122(1):17-25. [MINI-PAM]
64.          Kosugi M, Arita M, Shizuma R, Moriyama Y, Kashino Y, Koike H, Satoh K: Responses to Desiccation Stress in Lichens are Different from Those in Their Photobionts. Plant Cell Physiology 2009, 50(4):879-888. [PAM-100]
65.          Li S, Zhang K, Zhou S, Zhang L, Chen Q: Use of dewatered municipal sludge on Canna growth in pot experiments with a barren clay soil Waster Management 2009, 29(6):1860-1876. [PAM-2100]
66.          Lin A-P, Wang G-C, Yang F, Pan G-H: Photosynthetic parameters of sexually different parts of Porphyra katadai var. hemiphylla (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) during dehydration and re-hydration Planta 2009, 229(4):803-810. [DUAL-PAM-100]
67.          Liu N, Lin Z-F, Van Devender A, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L, Pan X-P, Chen S-W, Gu Q: Spectral reflectance indices and pigment functions during leaf ontogenesis in six subtropical landscape plants. Plant Growth Regulation 2009, 58:73-84. [IMAGING-PAM]
68.          Liu W-J, Chen Y-E, Tian W-J, Du J-B, Zhang Z-W, Xu F, Zhang F, Yuan S, Lin H-H: Dephosphorylation of photosystem II proteins and phosphorylation of CP29 in barley photosynthetic membranes as a response to water stress Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787(10):1238-1245. [PAM-2100]
69.          Liu X, Duan S, Li A, Xu N, Cai Z, Hu Z: Effects of organic carbon sources on growth, photosynthesis, and respiration of Phaeodactylum tricornutum Journal of Applied Phycology 2009, 21(2):239-246. [XE-PAM]
70.          Liu X, Wang Z, Wang L, Wu R, Phillips J, Deng X: LEA 4 group genes from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica confer dehydration tolerance in transgenic tobacco Plant Science 2009, 176(1):90-98. [PAM-100]
71.          Mackey KRM, Rivlin T, Grossman AR, Post AF, Paytan A: Picophytoplankton responses to changing nutrient and light regimes during a bloom. Marine Biology 2009, 156(8):1531-1546. [WATER-PAM]
72.          Majer P, Sass L, Horváth GV, Hideg ?: Leaf hue measurements offer a fast, high-throughput initial screening of photosynthesis in leaves Journal of Plant Physiology 2009:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
73.          Major JE, Mosseler A, Barsi DC, Corriveau-Dupuis B, Campbell M: Impact of three silvicultural treatments on growth, light-energy processing, and related needle-level adaptive traits of Pinus strobus from two regions Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 257(1):168-181. [PAM-2000]
74.          Melgar JC, Guidi L, Remorini D, Agati G, Degl'innocenti E, Casli S, Baratto MC, Faraloni C, Tattini M: Antioxidant defences and oxidative damage in salt-treated olive plants under contrasting sunlight irradiance. Tree Physiology 2009:in press. [PAM-2000]
75.          Miyake C, Amako K, Shiraishi N, Sugimoto T: Acclimation of Tobacco Leaves to High Light Intensity Drives the Plastoquinone Oxidation System—Relationship Among the Fraction of Open PSII Centers, Non-Photochemical Quenching of Chl Fluorescence and the Maximum Quantum Yield of PSII in the Dark. Plant Cell Physiology 2009, 50(4):730-743. [PAM-100]
76.          Moreira ASFP, Filho JPdL, Zotz G, Isaias RMdS: Anatomy and photosynthetic parameters of roots and leaves of two shade-adapted orchids, Dichaea cogniauxiana Shltr. and Epidendrum secundum Jacq. . Flora 2009:in press. [MINI-PAM]
77.          Naumann JC, Young DR, Anderson JE: Spatial variations in salinity stress across a coastal landscape using vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery. Plant Ecology 2009, 202(2):285-297. [PAM-2000]
78.          Niewiadomska E, Polzien L, Desel C, Rozpadek P, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K: Spatial patterns of senescence and development-dependent distribution of reactive oxygen species in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves Journal of Plant Physiology 2009, 166(10):1057-1068. [IMAGING-PAM]
79.          Obata M, Toda T, Taguchi S: Using chlorophyll fluorescence to monitor yields of microalgal production Journal of Applied Phycology 2009, 21(3):315-319. [WATER-PAM]
80.          Ogawa T, Nishimura K, Aoki T, Takase H, Tomizawa K-I, Ashida H, Yokota A: pfkB-type carbohydrate kinase family protein, NARA5, for massive expressions of plastid-encoded photosynthetic genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 2009:in press. [MINI-PAM]
81.          Oh S-J, Kim YS, Kwon C-W, Park HK, Jeong JS, Kim J-K: Overexpression of the Transcription Factor AP37 in Rice Improves Grain Yield under Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1368-1379. [MINI-PAM]
82.          Okuda K, Chateigner-Boutin A-L, Nakamura T, Delannoy E, Sugita M, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Small I, Shikanai T: Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins with the DYW Motif Have Distinct Molecular Functions in RNA Editing and RNA Cleavage in Arabidopsis Chloroplasts. The Plant Cell 2009, 21:146-156. [MINI-PAM]
83.          Olivé I, García-Sánchez MP, Brun FG, Vergara JJ, Pérez-Lloréns JL: Interactions of light and organic matter under contrasting resource simulated environments: the importance of clonal traits in the seagrass Zostera noltii Hydrobiologia 2009, 629(1):199-208. [PAM-2000]
84.          Omasa K, Konishi A, Tamura H, Hosoi F: 3D Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy for the Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Chloroplasts in Intact Leaf Tissues. Plant Cell Physiology 2009, 50(1):90-105. [PAM-100]
85.          O?ate M, Munné-Bosch S: Influence of plant maturity, shoot reproduction and sex on vegetative growth in the dioecious plant Urtica dioica. Annals of Botany 2009:in press [MINI-PAM]
86.          Pascual I, Azcona I, Morales F, Aguirreolea J, Sánchez-Díaz M: Growth, yield and physiology of Verticillium-inoculated pepper plants treated with ATAD and composted sewage sludge Plant and Soil 2009, 319(1-2):291-306. [GFS-3000]
87.          Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge–calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis Plant and Soil 2009, 319(1-2):49-56. [PAM-2100]
88.          Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [PAM-2100]
89.          Paytan A, Mackey KRM, Chen Y, Lima ID, Doney SC, Mahowald N, Labiosa R, Post AF: Toxicity of atmospheric aerosols on marine phytoplankton. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009, 106:4601-4605. [WATER-PAM]
90.          Peguero-Pina JJ, Gil-Pelegrín E, Morales F: Photosystem II efficiency of the palisade and spongy mesophyll in Quercus coccifera using adaxial/abaxial illumination and excitation light sources with wavelengths varying in penetration into the leaf tissue Photosynthesis Research 2009, 99(1):49-61. [PAM-2000]
91.          Pembleton KG, Rawnsley RP, Donaghy DJ, Volenec JJ: Water Deficit Alters Canopy Structure but not Photosynthesis during the Regrowth of Alfalfa. Crop Science 2009, 49:722-731. [MINI-PAM]
92.          Perreault F, Ali NA, Saison C, Popovic R, Juneau P: Dichromate effect on energy dissipation of photosystem II and photosystem I in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009, 96(1):24-29. [DUAL-PAM-100]
93.          Polerecky L, Al-Najjar ABM, Faerber P, Osmers H, Suci PA, Stoodley P, Beer Dd: Modular Spectral Imaging System for Discrimination of Pigments in Cells and Microbial Communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2009, 75(3):758-771. [DIVING-PAM]
94.          Prider J, Watling J, Facelli JM: Impacts of a native parasitic plant on an introduced and a native host species: implications for the control of an invasive weed. Annals of Botany 2009, 103:107-115. [MINI-PAM]
95.          Rao B, Liu Y, Wang W, Hu C, Li D, Lan S: Influence of dew on biomass and photosystem II activity of cyanobacterial crusts in the Hopq Desert, northwest China Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2009:in press. [PAM-2100]
96.          Roleda MY, Campana GL, Wiencke C, Hanelt D, Quartino ML, Wulff A: Sensitivity of antarctic Urospora penicilliformis (Ulotrichales, Chlorophyta) to ultraviolet radiation is life-stage dependent. Journal of Phycology 2009, 45:600-609. [WATER-PAM]
97.          Sánchez-Fortún S, Marvá F, Rouco M, Costas E, López-Rodas V: Toxic effect and adaptation in Scenedesmus intermedius to anthropogenic chloramphenicol contamination: genetic versus physiological mechanisms to rapid acquisition of xenobiotic resistance. Ecotoxicology 2009, 18(5):481-487. [TOXY-PAM]
98.          Schultze M, Forberich B, Rexroth S, Dyczmons NG, Roegner M, Appel J: Localization of cytochrome b6f complexes implies an incomplete respiratory chain in cytoplasmic membranes of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009:in press. [DUAL-PAM-100]
99.          Serra A, Corcoll N, Guasch H: Copper accumulation and toxicity in fluvial periphyton: The influence of exposure history Chemosphere 2009, 74(5):633-641. [PHYTO-PAM]
100.        Serra A, Guasch H, Martí E, Geiszinger A: Measuring in-stream retention of copper by means of constant-rate additions Science of The Total Environment 2009, 407(12):3847-3854. [PHYTO-PAM]
101.        Shi G, Cai Q: Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy crops Biotechnology Advances 2009, 27(5):555-561. [MINI-PAM]
102.        Shi G, Cai Q: Leaf plasticity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to heavy metal stress Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [MINI-PAM]
103.        Sirpi? S, Allahverdiyeva Y, Holmstr?m M, Khrouchtchova A, Haldrup A, Battchikova N, Aro E-M: Novel Nuclear-encoded Subunits of the Chloroplast NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase Complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009, 284(2):905-912. [PAM-100]
104.        Six C, Sherrard R, Lionard M, Roy S, Campbell DA: Photosystem II and pigment dynamics among ecotypes of the green alga Ostreococcus 2009:in press. [XE-PAM]
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107.        Stepien P, Johnson GN: Contrasting Responses of Photosynthesis to Salt Stress in the Glycophyte Arabidopsis and the Halophyte Thellungiella: Role of the Plastid Terminal Oxidase as an Alternative Electron Sink. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:1151-1165. [PAM-100]
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110.        Su H, Li Y-G, Lan Z-J, Xu H, Liu W, Wang B-X, Biswis DK, Jiang G-M: Leaf-level plasticity of Salix gordejevii in fixed dunes compared with lowlands in Hunshandake Sandland, North China. Journal of Plant Research 2009:in press. [GFS-3000]
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112.        Szalai G, Janda T: Effect of Salt Stress on the Salicylic Acid Synthesis in Young Maize (Zea mays L.) Plants. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2009, 195(3):165-171. [PAM-2000]
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114.        Takahashi S, Milward SE, Fan D-Y, Chow WS, Badger MR: How Does Cyclic Electron Flow Alleviate Photoinhibition in Arabidopsis? Plant Physiology 2009, 149:1560-1567. [PAM-2000]
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126.        Vermeij MJA, Smith TB, Dailer ML, Smith CM: Release from native herbivores facilitates the persistence of invasive marine algae: a biogeographical comparison of the relative contribution of nutrients and herbivory to invasion success Biological Invasions 2009, 11(6):1463-1474. [DIVING-PAM]
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129.        Wang H, Gu M, Cui J, Shi K, Zhou Y, Yu J: Effects of light quality on CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll-fluorescence quenching, expression of Calvin cycle genes and carbohydrate accumulation in Cucumis sativus Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009, 96(1):30-37. [IMAGING-PAM]
130.        Wei L, Ma W, Wang Q, Mi H: Effect of cell water amount on photosynthetic yield in the cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme and involvement of NADPH dehydrogenase-mediated cyclic electron transport Journal of Applied Phycology 2009, 21(2):179-184. [PAM-100]
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132.        Wu H, Gao K, Wu H: Responses of a marine red tide alga Skeletonema costatum (Bacillariophyceae) to long-term UV radiation exposures. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009, 94:82-86. [WATER-PAM]
133.        Wu Z, Shi J, Li R: Comparative studies on photosynthesis and phosphate metabolism of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with Microcystis aeruginosa and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Harmful Algae 2009:in press. [PHYTO-PAM]
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135.        Xu S-j, Liu C-j, Jiang P-a, Cai W-m, Wang Y: The effects of drying following heat shock exposure of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis Science of The Total Environment 2009, 407(7):2411-2419. [PAM-2100]
136.        Xu Y, Wang Y, Wang Y, Yuan H, Jia J: Effects of electrolysis stress on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa. International Journal of Environmental and Pollution 2009, 37(2-3):339-348. [TEACHING-PAM]
137.        Yang F, Xiao X, Zhang S, Korpelainen H, Li C: Salt stress responses in Populus cathayana Rehder Plant Science 2009, 176(5):669-677. [PAM-2000]
138.        Yang L, Liu N, Ren H, Wang J: Facilitation by two exotic Acacia: Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium as nurse plants in South China. Forest Ecology and Management 2009, 257(8):1786-1793. [PAM-2100]
139.        Yin C, Pang X, Chen K: The effects of water, nutrient availability and their interaction on the growth, morphology and physiology of two poplar species Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [PAM-2100]
140.        Yuen YS, Yamazaki SS, Nakamura T, Tokuda G, Yamasaki H: Effects of live rock on the reef-building coral Acropora digitifera cultured with high levels of nitrogenous compounds Aquacultural Engineering 2009, 41(1):35-43. [DIVING-PAM]
141.        Zarco-Tejada PJ, Berni JAJ, Suárez L, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Morales F, Miller JR: Imaging chlorophyll fluorescence with an airborne narrow-band multispectral camera for vegetation stress detection Remote Sensing of Environment 2009, 113(6):15. [GFS-3000, PAM-2100]
142.        Zeliou K, Manetas Y, Petropoulou Y: Transient winter leaf reddening in Cistus creticus characterizes weak (stress-sensitive) individuals, yet anthocyanins cannot alleviate the adverse effects on photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
143.        Zelitch I, Schultes NP, Peterson RB, Brown P, Brutnell TP: High Glycolate Oxidase Activity Is Required for Survival of Maize in Normal Air. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:195-204. [PAM-100]
144.        Zeng J, Yang L, Wang W-X: Cadmium and zinc uptake and toxicity in two strains of Microcystis aeruginosa predicted by metal free ion activity and intracellular concentration Aquatic Toxicology 2009, 91(3):212-220. [PAM-100]
145.        Zhang G-H, Xu Q, Zhu X-D, Qian Q, Xue H-W: SHALLOT-LIKE1 Is a KANADI Transcription Factor That Modulates Rice Leaf Rolling by Regulating Leaf Abaxial Cell Development The Plant Cell 2009:in press. [Teaching-PAM]
146.        Zhang H, Dong H, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Kong X: Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance in AhCMO transgenic cotton lines Molecular Breeding 2009, 23(2):289-298. [MINI-PAM]
147.        Zhang L-L, He W-M: Consequences of ramets helping ramets: No damage and increased nutrient use efficiency in nurse ramets of Glechoma longituba Flora 2009, 204(3):182-188. [PAM-100]
148.        Zhang L-L, He W-M: Spatial covariance in resources affects photosynthetic rate and water potential, but not the growth of Glechoma longituba fragments Flora 2009:in press. [PAM-100]
149.        Zhang R, Sharkey TD: Photosynthetic electron transport and proton flux under moderate heat stress Photosynthesis Research 2009, 100(1):29-43. [PAM-100]
150.        Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Luo P, Wu N: Photosynthetic response of Fragaria orientalis in different water contrast clonal integration Ecological Research 2009, 24(3):617-625. [PAM-2100]
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