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更新日期:2011-11-09   |  點擊率:3196
德國WALZ公司作為調(diào)制葉綠素?zé)晒猓≒AM)技術(shù)的發(fā)明單位(該技術(shù)由WALZ公司科學(xué)家、德國烏茲堡大學(xué)Ulrich Schreiber教授發(fā)明,Schreiber教授因該項發(fā)明而于2007年獲得首屆光合作用協(xié)會技術(shù)創(chuàng)新大獎?。?,其生產(chǎn)的PAM系列調(diào)制葉綠素?zé)晒鈨x一直是光合作用學(xué)界的和行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),是所有光合作用測量技術(shù)里發(fā)表文獻(xiàn)zui多的技術(shù)!
2000年之后,WALZ公司馬上開始著手調(diào)制葉綠素?zé)晒獬上裣到y(tǒng)IMAGING-PAM的研發(fā),并于2001年在澳大利亞召開的第12屆光合作用大會上正式發(fā)布,受到了熱烈歡迎。這就是后來所謂的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)版IMAGING-PAM。應(yīng)客戶需求,2003年WALZ開發(fā)出了測量面積更小、但放大倍數(shù)更大的MICRO-探頭。2004年LED技術(shù)進(jìn)一步取得突破,WALZ隨后馬上開發(fā)出了測量面積更大的(10 cm x 13 cm)的MAXI-探頭,并在加拿大召開的第13屆光合作用大會上發(fā)布,引起了劇烈反響。2005年,WALZ再接再厲,進(jìn)一步開發(fā)出了MINI-和MICROSCOPY-探頭,與之前的MAXI-和MICRO-探頭一起,組成了M系列調(diào)制葉綠素?zé)晒獬上裣到y(tǒng)IMAGING-PAM,*替代了標(biāo)準(zhǔn)版IMAGING-PAM。
M系列IMAGING-PAM面世以來,在上非常,在國內(nèi)也有很大的用戶群??蒲腥藛T利用該系列產(chǎn)品發(fā)表了大量高水品文獻(xiàn)。下圖中是用Google學(xué)術(shù)搜索,利用WALZ、Imaging-PAM和Chlorophyll fluroescence三個關(guān)鍵詞檢索的部分文獻(xiàn)結(jié)果

1.         Brossa R, López-Carbonell M, Jubany-Marí T, Alegre L. Interplay Between Abscisic Acid and Jasmonic Acid and its Role in Water-oxidative Stress in Wild-type, ABA-deficient, JA-deficient, and Ascorbate-deficient Arabidopsis Plants Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2011;30(3):322-333. [IMAGING-PAM]
2.         CUI J-X, ZHOU Y-H, DING J-G, XIA X-J, SHI K, CHEN S-C, ASAMI T, CHEN Z, YU J-Q. Role of nitric oxide in hydrogen peroxide-dependent induction of abiotic stress tolerance by brassinosteroids in cucumber. Plant Cell and Environment 2011;34(2):347-358. [IMAGING-PAM]
3.        Gao S, Shen S, Wang G, Niu J, Lin A, Pan G. PSI-driven Cyclic Electron Flow Allows Intertidal Macro-algae Ulva sp. (Chlorophyta) To Survive In Desiccated Conditions Plant & Cell Physiology 2011;52(5):885-893. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
4.         Guidi L, DeglInnocenti E, Carmassi G, Massaa D, Pardossi A. Effects of boron on leaf chlorophyll fluorescence of greenhouse tomato grown with saline water. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2011;73:57-63. [IMAGING-PAM]
5.         He J, Tan BHG, Qin L. Source-to-sink relationship between green leaves and green pseudobulbs of C3 orchid in regulation of photosynthesis Photosynthetica 2011;49(2):209-218. [IMAGING-PAM]
6.         Jiao B-B, Wang J-J, Zhu X-D, Zeng L-J, Li Q, He Z-H. A Novel Protein RLS1 with NB–ARM Domains Is Involved in Chloroplast Degradation during Leaf Senescence in Rice. Molecular Plant 2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
7.         Jin ZL, Tian T, Naeem MS, Jilani G, Zhang F, Zhou WJ. Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to application of new herbicide ZJ0273 in winter oilseed rape species. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 2011;13:43-50. [IMAGING-PAM]
8.         Johansson O, Olofsson J, Giesler R, Palmqvist K. Lichen responses to nitrogen and phosphorus additions can be explained by the different symbiont responses. New Phytologist 2011;191(3):795-805. [IMAGING-PAM]
9.         Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U. AtHsp70-15 deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV. The Plant Journal 2011;66(6):983-995. [IMAGING-PAM]
10.       Kinoshita H, Nagasaki J, Yoshikawa N, Yamamoto A, Takito S, Kawasaki M, Sugiyama T, Miyake H, Weber APM, Taniguchi M. The chloroplastic 2-oxoglutarate/malate transporter has dual function as the malate valve and in carbon/nitrogen metabolism. The Plant Journal 2011;65(1):15-26. [IMAGING-PAM]
11.       Kumar KS, Han T. Toxicity of single and combined herbicides on PSII maximum efficiency of an aquatic higher plant, Lemna sp. . Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 2011;3(2):97-105. [IMAGING-PAM]
12.       La Rocca N, Rascio N, Pupillo P. Variegation in Arum italicum leaves. A structural–functional study. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2011;49(12):1392-1398. [IMAGING-PAM]
13.       Larkum AWD, Salih A, Kühl M. Rapid Mass Movement of Chloroplasts during Segment Formation of the Calcifying Siphonalean Green Alga, Halimeda macroloba      PLoS ONE 2011;6(7): e20841. doi:20810.21371/journal.pone.0020841. [IMAGING-PAM]
14.       Li WD, Hu X, Liu JK, Jiang GM, Li O, Xing D. Chromosome doubling can increase heat tolerance in Lonicera japonica as indicated by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Biologia Plantarum 2011;55(2):279-284. [IMAGING-PAM]
15.       Lu Y, Hall DA, Last RL. A Small Zinc Finger Thylakoid Protein Plays a Role in Maintenance of Photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 2011;23(5):1861-1875. [IMAGING-PAM]
16.       Lu Y, Savage LJ, Last RL. Chloroplast Phenomics: Systematic Phenotypic Screening of Chloroplast Protein Mutants in Arabidopsis Chloroplast Research in Arabidopsis Methods in Molecular Biology 2011;775(2):161-185. [IMAGING-PAM]
17.       Lytovchenko A, Eickmeier I, Pons C, Osorio S, Szecowka M, Lehmberg K, Arrivault S, Tohge T, Pineda B, Anton MT, Hedtke B, Lu Y, Fisahn J, Bock R, Stitt M, Grimm B, Granell A, Fernie AR. Tomato fruit photosynthesis is seemingly unimportant in primary metabolism and ripening but plays a considerable role in seed development. The Plant Cell 2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
18.       Magnin-Robert M, Letousey P, Spagnolo A, Rabenoelina F, Jacquens L, Mercier L, Clément C, Fontaine F. Leaf stripe form of esca induces alteration of photosynthesis and defence reactions in presymptomatic leaves. Functional Plant Biology 2011;38(11):856-866. [IMAGING-PAM]
19.       Majer P, Hideg É. Developmental stage is an important factor that determines the antioxidant responses of young and old grapevine leaves under UV irradiation in a green-house. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2011;50:15-23. [IMAGING-PAM]
20.       Martínez-Peñalver A, Reigosa MJ, Sánchez-Moreiras AM. Imaging chlorophyll a fluorescence reveals specific spatial distributions under different stress conditions Flora 2011;206(9):836-844. [IMAGING-PAM]
21.       Mishev K, Ananiev ED, Humbeck K. Organ-specific effects of dark treatment on photosynthesis and the expression of photosynthesis-related genes Biologia Plantarum 2011;55(2):269-278. [IMAGING-PAM]
22.       MÜNCH S, LUDWIG N, FLOSS DS, SUGUI JA, KOSZUCKA AM, VOLL LM, SONNEWALD U, DEISING HB. Identification of virulence genes in the corn pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Molecular Plant Pathology 2011;12(1):43-55. [IMAGING-PAM]
23.       Niewiadomska E, Bilger W, Gruca M, Mulisch M, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K. CAM-related changes in chloroplastic metabolism of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. . Planta 2011;233(2):275-285. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
24.       Osório ML, Osório J, Vieira AC, Gonçalves S, Romano A. Influence of enhanced temperature on photosynthesis, photooxidative damage, and antioxidant strategies in Ceratonia siliqua L. seedlings subjected to water deficit and rewatering Photosynthetica 2011;49(1):3-12. [IMAGING-PAM]
25.       Park J-S, Brown MT, Han T. Phenol toxicity to the aquatic macrophyte Lemna paucicostata. Aquatic Toxicology 2011:in press. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
26.       Petroutsos D, Busch A, Janßen I, Trompelt K, Bergner SV, Weinl S, Holtkamp M, Karst U, Kudla J, Hippler M. The Chloroplast Calcium Sensor CAS Is Required for Photoacclimation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Cell 2011;23(8):2950-2963. [IMAGING-PAM]
27.       Poage M, Martret BL, Jansen MAK, Nugent GD, Dix PJ. Modification of reactive oxygen species scavenging capacity of chloroplasts through plastid transformation Plant Molecular Biology 2011;76(3-5):371-384. [IMAGING-PAM]
28.       Qiao J, Ma C, Wimmelbacher M, Börnke F, Luo M. Two Novel Proteins, MRL7 and Its Paralog MRL7-L, Have Essential but Functionally Distinct Roles in Chloroplast Development and Are Involved in Plastid Gene Expression Regulation in Arabidopsis Plant & Cell Physiology 2011;52(6):1017-1030. [IMAGING-PAM]
29.       Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K, Wankhede DP, Mishra M, Gupta M, Sinh AK. Arsenic stress activates MAP kinase in rice roots and leaves Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2011;506(1):73-82. [IMAGING-PAM]
30.       Rotter S, Sans-Piché F, Streck G, Altenburger R, Schmitt-Jansen M. Active bio-monitoring of contamination in aquatic systems–An in situ translocation experiment applying the PICT concept Aquatic Toxicology 2011;101(1):228-236. [IMAGING-PAM]
31.       Ruan S-L, Ma H-S, Wang S-H, Fu Y-P, Xin Y, Liu W-Z, Wang F, Tong J-X, Wang S-Z, Chen H-Z. Proteomic identification of OsCYP2, a rice cyclophilin that confers salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings when overexpressed. BMC Plant Biology 2011;11:34. [IMAGING-PAM]
32.       Ryan KG, Tay ML, Martin A, McMinn A, Davy SK. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging analysis of the responses of Antarctic bottom-ice algae to light and salinity during melting Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2011;399(2):156-161. [IMAGING-PAM]
33.       Sánchez-Moreiras AM, Martínez-Peñalver A, Reigosa MJ. Early senescence induced by 2-3H-benzoxazolinone (BOA) in Arabidopsis thaliana Journal of Plant Physiology 2011;168(9):863-870. [IMAGING-PAM]
34.       Schmidt C, Heinz P, Kucera M, Uthicke S. Temperature-induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography 2011;56(5):1587-1602. [MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
35.       Trampe E, Kolbowski J, Schreiber U, Kuhl M. Rapid assessment of different oxygenic phototrophs and single-cell photosynthesis with multicolour variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Marine Biology 2011;158:1667-1675. [MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
36.       Tschiersch H, Borisjuk L, Rutten T, Rolletschek H. Gradients of seed photosynthesis and its role for oxygen balancing. Biosystems 2011;103(2):302-308. [IMAGING-PAM]
37.       Wang C, Fan X, Wang G, Niu J, Zhou B. Differential Expression of Rubisco in Sporophytes and Gametophytes of Some Marine Macroalgae. PLoS ONE 2011;6(1):e16351. doi:16310.11371/journal.pone.0016351. [IMAGING-PAM]
38.       Weerman EJ, Herman PMJ, van de Koppel J. Macrobenthos abundance and distribution on a spatially patterned intertidal flat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2011;440:95-103. [IMAGING-PAM]
39.       Woo NS, Gordon MJ, Graham SR, Rossel JB, Badger MR, Pogson BJ. A mutation in the purine biosynthetic enzyme ATASE2 impacts high light signalling and acclimation responses in green and chlorotic sectors of Arabidopsis leaves. Functional Plant Biology 2011;38(5):401-419. [IMAGING-PAM]
40.       Yokotani N, Higuchi M, Kondou Y, Ichikawa T, Iwabuchi M, Hirochika H, Matsui M, Oda K. A novel chloroplast protein, CEST induces tolerance to multiple environmental stresses and reduces photooxidative damage in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2011;62(2):557-569. [IMAGING-PAM]
41.       Zhang J, Tian S, Lu L, Shohag MJI, Liao H, Yang X. Lead tolerance and cellular distribution in Elsholtzia splendens using synchrotron radiation micro-X-ray fluorescence. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011:in press. [IMAGING-PAM]
42.       Zhang KM, Wang XM, Cui JX, Ogweno JO, Shi K, Zhou YH, Yu JQ. Characteristics of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in red and green leaves of Begonia semperflorens Biologia Plantarum 2011;55(2):361-364. [IMAGING-PAM]
43.       Zhang WN, Chen WL. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating photochemical damage and autophagic cell death induction of cadmium stress in Arabidopsis thaliana Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2011;10:947-955. [IMAGING-PAM]
44.       Zhu H, Dardick CD, Beers EP, Callanhan AM, Xia R, Yuan R. Transcriptomics of shading-induced and NAA-induced abscission in apple (Malus domestica) reveals a
shared pathway involving reduced photosynthesis, alterations in carbohydrate transport and signaling and hormone crosstalk. BMC Plant Biology 2011;11:doi:10.1186/1471-2229-1111-1138. [IMAGING-PAM]
45.       夏慶平, 高洪波, 李敬蕊. γ-氨基丁酸( GABA) 對低氧脅迫下甜瓜幼苗光合作用和葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的影響. 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 2011;22(4):999-1006. [IMAGING-PAM]
46.       張順堂, 張桂蓮, 陳立云, 肖應(yīng)輝. 高溫脅迫對水稻劍葉凈光合速率和葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的影響. 中國水稻科學(xué) 2011;25(3):335-338. [IMAGING-PAM]
47.       李娟, 彭鎮(zhèn)華, 高健, 陳媛文. 干旱脅迫下黃條金剛竹的光合和葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦?/span>. 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 2011;22(6):1395-1402. [IMAGING-PAM]
48.       楊柳, 董浚鍵, 陳文利. 病原菌Pst DC3000侵染擬南芥導(dǎo)致自噬和光合作用的抑制. 生物物理學(xué)報 2011;27(6):517-527. [IMAGING-PAM]
49.       林麗, 高志奎, 王梅, 薛占軍. 高溫對北方白黃瓜果實表面光系統(tǒng)光能利用效率的影響. 中國農(nóng)學(xué)通報 2011;27(8):181-184. [IMAGING-PAM]
50.       王靜靜, 陳輝, 李宗波. 小蠹蟲危害對秦嶺華山松葉綠素?zé)晒鈩恿W(xué)參數(shù)的影響. 西北林學(xué)院學(xué)報 2011;26(1):35-38. [IMAGING-PAM]
51.       羅黃穎, 高洪波, 夏慶平, 宮彬彬, 吳曉蕾. γ-氨基丁酸對鹽脅迫下番茄活性氧代謝及葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的影響. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 2011;44(4):753-761. [IMAGING-PAM]
52.       趙洪兵, 郭會君, 趙林姝, 古佳玉, 趙世榮, 李軍輝, 劉錄祥. 空間環(huán)境誘變小麥葉綠素缺失突變株的主要農(nóng)藝性狀和光合特性. 作物學(xué)報 2011;37(1):119-126. [IMAGING-PAM]
53.       Ajjawi I, Lu Y, Savage LJ, Bell SM, Last RL. Large-Scale Reverse Genetics in Arabidopsis: Case Studies from the Chloroplast 2010 Project. Plant Physiology 2010;152:529-540. [IMAGING-PAM]
54.       Armbruster U, Zühlke J, Rengstl B, Kreller R, Makarenko E, Rühle T, Schünemann D, Jahns P, Weisshaar B, Nickelsen J, Leister D. The Arabidopsis Thylakoid Protein PAM68 Is Required for Efficient D1 Biogenesis and Photosystem II Assembly. The Plant Cell 2010;22(10):3439-3460. [IMAGING-PAM]
55.       Behr M, Humbeck K, Hause G, Deising HB, Wirsel SGR. The Hemibiotroph Colletotrichum graminicola Locally Induces Photosynthetically Active Green Islands but Globally Accelerates Senescence on Aging Maize Leaves. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2010;23(7):879-892. [IMAGING-PAM]
56.       Bonfig KB, Gabler A, Simon UK, Luschin-Ebengreuth N, Hatz M, Berger S, Muhammad N, Zeier J, Sinha AK, Roitsch T. Post-Translational Derepression of Invertase Activity in Source Leaves via Down-Regulation of Invertase Inhibitor Expression Is Part of the Plant Defense Response Molecular Plant 2010;3(6):1037-1048. [IMAGING-PAM]
57.       Császár NBM, Ralph PJ, Frankham R, Berkelmans R, van Oppen MJH. Estimating the Potential for Adaptation of Corals to Climate Warming. PLoS ONE 2010;5(3):e9751. doi:9710.1371/journal.pone.0009751. [IMAGING-PAM]
58.       Du GY, Oak JH, LI H, Chung IK. Effect of light and sediment grain size on the vertical migration of enthic diatoms. Algae 2010;25(3):133-140. [IMAGING-PAM]
59.       Fischer-Kilbienski I, Miao Y, Roitsch T, Zschiesche W, Humbeck K, Krupinska K. Nuclear targeted AtS40 modulates senescence associated gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana during natural development and in darkness. Plant Molecular Biology 2010;73(4-5):379-390. [IMAGING-PAM]
60.       Fu L-J, Shi K, Gu M, Zhou Y-H, Dong D-K, Liang W-S, Song F-M, Yu J-Q. Systemic Induction and Role of Mitochondrial Alternative Oxidase and Nitric Oxide in a Compatible Tomato–Tobacco mosaic virus Interaction. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2010;23(1):39-48. [IMAGING-PAM]
61.       Gao S, Chen X-Y, Yi Q-Q, Wang G-C, Pan G-H, Lin A-P, Peng G. A Strategy for the Proliferation of Ulva prolifera, Main Causative Species of Green Tides, with Formation of Sporangia by Fragmentation. PLoS One 2010;5(1):e8571. doi:8510.1371/journal.pone.0008571. [IMAGING-PAM]
62.       Gimeno TE, Sommerville KE, Valladares F, Atkin OK. Homeostasis of respiration under drought and its important consequences for foliar carbon balance in a drier climate: insights from two contrasting Acacia species. Functional Plant Biology 2010;37:323-333. [IMAGING-PAM]
63.       Goh C-H, Oh S-J, Jun S-S, Han T. External K+ Deficiency Inhibits Photosynthetic Activity Through Superoxide Anion Production in Protoplasts Isolated from the Thallus of Ulva pertusa Journal of Plant Biology 2010;53(2):155-164. [IMAGING-PAM]
64.       Gould KS, Dudle DA, Neufeld HS. Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010;61(10):2707-2717. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2500, PAM-2000]
65.       Horst RJ, Doehlemann G, Wahl R, Hofmann J, Schmiedl A, Kahmann R, Kämper J, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Ustilago maydis Infection Strongly Alters Organic Nitrogen Allocation in Maize and Stimulates Productivity of Systemic Source Leaves. Plant Physiology 2010;152:293-308. [GFS-3000, MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
66.       Huang H-Y, Lai W-L, Song L-Y, Shu Z, Yang C-W, Peng C-L. Increased Resistance of Arabidopsis CPR5 Mutant to H2O2-Induced Photooxidation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 2010;42(2):1041-1049. [IMAGING-PAM]
67.       Ibáñez H, Ballester A, Muñoz R, Quiles MJ. Chlororespiration and tolerance to drought, heat and high illumination Journal of Plant Physiology 2010;167(9):732-738. [IMAGING-PAM]
68.       Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA, Schreiber U. Chlorophyll fluorescence images demonstrate variable pathways in the effects of plasma membrane excitation on electron flow in chloroplasts of Chara cells. Protoplasma 2010;248(3):513-522. [IMAGING-PAM]
69.       Letousey P, Baillieul F, Perrot G, Rabenoelina F, Boulay M, Vaillant-Gaveau N, Clément C, Fontaine F. Early Events Prior to Visual Symptoms in the Apoplectic Form of Grapevine Esca Disease. Phytopathology 2010;100(5):424-431. [IMAGING-PAM]
70.       Lin AP, Wang GC, Shen SD, Yang F, Pan GH. Two specific causes of cell mortality in freeze-thaw cycle of young thalli of Porphyra yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 2010;46(4):773-779. [IMAGING-PAM]
71.       Liu N, Lin Z-F, Lin G-Z, Song L-Y, Chen S-W, Mo H, Peng C-L. Lead and cadmium induced alterations of cellular functions in leaves of Alocasia macrorrhiza L. Schott Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2010;73(6):1238-1245. [IMAGING-PAM]
72.       Lü F, Wang GC, Niu JF. Photosynthetic performance of regenerated protoplasts from disintegrated cells of Bryopsis hypnoides (Chlorophyta) Photosynthetica 2010;48(2):294-301. [IMAGING-PAM]
73.       Majer P, Sass L, Horvath GV, Hideg E. Leaf hue measurements offer a fast, high-throughput initial screening of photosynthesis in leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 2010;167:74-76. [IMAGING-PAM]
74.       Majer P, Stoyanova S, Hideg É. Do leaf total antioxidant capacities (TAC) reflect specific antioxidant potentials? – A comparison of TAC and reactive oxygen scavenging in tobacco leaf extracts Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2010;100(1):38-43. [IMAGING-PAM]
75.       McElrone AJ, Hamilton JG, Krafnick AJ, Aldea M, Knepp RG, DeLucia EH. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and natural climatic variation on leaf spot diseases of redbud and sweetgum trees. Environmental Pollution 2010;158(1):108-114. [IMAGING-PAM]
76.       Ohad I, Raanan H, Keren N, Tchernov D, Kaplan A. Light-Induced Changes within Photosystem II Protects Microcoleus sp. in Biological Desert Sand Crusts against Excess Light. PLoS ONE 2010;5(6):e11000. . [PAM-2500, IMAGING-PAM]
77.       Pardow A, Hartard B, Lakatos M. Morphological, photosynthetic and water relations traits underpin the contrasting success of two tropical lichen groups at the interior and edge of forest fragments. AoB Plants 2010:plq004, doi:010.1093/aobpla/plq1004. [IMAGING-PAM]
78.       Perreault F, Oukarroum A, Pirastru L, Sirois L, Matias WG, Popovic R. Evaluation of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Toxicity Using Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Imaging in Lemna gibba. Journal of Botany 2010:doi:10.1155/2010/763142. [IMAGING-PAM]
79.       Pietrini F, Zacchini M, Iori V, Pietrosanti L, Ferretti M, Massacci A. Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves and its impact on photosynthesis: examples of different strategies in willow and poplar clones. Plant Biology 2010;12(2):355-363. [IMAGING-PAM, HCM-1000]
80.       Prabhakar V, Löttgert T, Geimer S, Dörmann P, Krüger S, Vijayakumar V, Schreiber L, Göbel C, Feussner K, Feussner I, Marin K, Staehr P, Bell K, Flügge U-I, Häusler RE. Phosphoenolpyruvate Provision to Plastids Is Essential for Gametophyte and Sporophyte Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 2010;22(8):2594-2617. [IMAGING-PAM]
81.       Ren G, Zhou Q, Wu S, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Huang J, Sun Z, Kuai B. Reverse Genetic Identification of CRN1 and its Distinctive Role in Chlorophyll Degradation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2010;52(5):496-504. [IMAGING-PAM]
82.       Skirycz A, De Bodt S, Obata T, De Clercq I, Claeys H, De Rycke R, Andriankaja M, Van Aken O, Van Breusegem F, Fernie AR, Inzé D. Developmental Stage Specificity and the Role of Mitochondrial Metabolism in the Response of Arabidopsis Leaves to Prolonged Mild Osmotic Stress. Plant Physiology 2010;152:226-244. [IMAGING-PAM]
83.       Souza BD, Meiado MV, Rodrigues BM, Santos MG. Water relations and chlorophyll fluorescence responses of two leguminous trees from the Caatinga to different watering regimes Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2010;32(2):235-244. [IMAGING-PAM]
84.       Takahashi S, Milward SE, Yamori W, Evans JR, Hillier W, Badger MR. The solar action spectrum of photosystem II damage. Plant Physiology 2010;153:988-993. [IMAGING-PAM]
85.       Tognetti VB, Van Aken O, Morreel K, Vandenbroucke K, van de Cotte B, De Clercq I, Chiwocha S, Fenske R, Prinsen E, Boerjan W, Genty B, Stubbs KA, Inzé D, Van Breusegem F. Perturbation of Indole-3-Butyric Acid Homeostasis by the UDP-Glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 Modulates Arabidopsis Architecture and Water Stress Tolerance. The Plant Cell 2010;22(8):2660-2679. [IMAGING-PAM]
86.       Velikova V, Salerno G, Frati F, Peri E, Conti E, Colazza S, Loreto F. Influence of Feeding and Oviposition by Phytophagous Pentatomids on Photosynthesis of Herbaceous Plants Journal of Chemical Ecology 2010;36(6):629-641. [IMAGING-PAM]
87.       Wang W-J, Sun X-T, Wang F-J. EVect of blue light on early sporophyte development of Saccharina japonica (Phaeophyta). Marine Biology 2010;157:1811-1817. [IMAGING-PAM]
88.       Wulff-Zote C, Gatzke N, Kopka J, Orellana A, Hoefgen R, Fisahn J, Hesse H. Photosynthesis and metabolism interact during acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to high irradiance and sulphur depletion. Plant Cell and Environment 2010;33(11):1974-1988. [IMAGING-PAM]
89.       Xie X, Wang G, Pan G, Gao S, Xu P, Zhu J. Variations in morphology and PSII photosynthetic capabilities during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). BMC Developmental Biology 2010;10:43. [MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
90.       Yiotis C, Manetas Y. Sinks for photosynthetic electron flow in green petioles and pedicels of Zantedeschia aethiopica: evidence for innay high photorespiration and cyclic electron flow rates Planta 2010;232(2):523-531. [IMAGING-PAM]
91.       Zeng X-Q, Chow WS, Su L-J, Peng X-X, Peng C-L. Protective effect of supplemental anthocyanins on Arabidopsis leaves under high light. Physiologia Plantarum 2010;138(2):215-225. [IMAGING-PAM]
92.       Zok A, Oláh R, Hideg É, Horváth VG, Kós PB, Majer P, Váradi G, Szegedi E. Effect of Medicago sativa ferritin gene on stress tolerance in transgenic grapevine Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 2010;100(3):339-344. [IMAGING-PAM, MINI-PAM]
93.       伍小兵, 成雨潔, 鄧西平, 郭尚洙. 葉片噴施H2O2 以及轉(zhuǎn)入Cu/Zn SOD APX基因?qū)Ω适碛酌缋浜蠡謴?fù)的作用. 中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 2010;43(7):1379-1388. [IMAGING-PAM]
94.      唐文邦, 張桂蓮, 肖應(yīng)輝, 鄧化冰, 范科, 劉國華, 陳立云. C兩優(yōu)系列雜交稻組合生育后期劍葉生理生化特性研究. 中國水稻科學(xué) 2010;24(2):169-174. [IMAGING-PAM]
95.       宋春春, 蔣文偉, 朱欣欣. 不同富營養(yǎng)化處理對再力花葉綠素及其熒光參數(shù)的影響. 吉林農(nóng)業(yè) 2010(5):74-76. [MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
96.       常樂, 夏宜平, 樓建華, 陳菁玨. 踐踏脅迫對4 種園林地被植物葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘挠绊?/span>. 園藝學(xué)報 2010;37(10):1675-1680. [IMAGING-PAM]
97.       李曉晶, 高志奎, , 劉傳斌, . 細(xì)胞分裂素對番茄子房和果實表面光系統(tǒng)光能吸收利用的影響. 園藝學(xué)報 2010;37(4):1-8. [IMAGING-PAM]
98.       段曉瓊, 唐秋菊, 褚勝利, 杜林方. 利用Imaging-PAM研究萊茵衣藻對環(huán)境變化的影響. 植物生理學(xué)通訊 2010;46(3):263-267. [IMAGING-PAM]
99.       程建峰, 陳根云, 沈允鋼. 神農(nóng)架林區(qū)不同類型植物的葉片特征與光合性能研究. 生態(tài)環(huán)境學(xué)報 2010;19(1):165-171. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
100.     陸燕元, 鄧西平. 轉(zhuǎn)入Cu/ Zn SOD APX 基因?qū)Ω适砗岛髲?fù)水的恢復(fù)作用. 西北農(nóng)林科技大學(xué)學(xué)報 2010;38(1):67-74. [IMAGING-PAM]
101.     高秀, 冉艷, 胡源, 褚勝利, 杜林方. 不用葉齡擬南芥葉片中STN7激酶表達(dá)的研究. 四川大學(xué)學(xué)報 2010;47(6):1453-1457. [IMAGING-PAM]
102.     Abbasi A, Saur A, Hennig P, Tschiersch H, Hajirezaei M, Hofius D, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Tocopherol deficiency in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants leads to accelerated senescence. Plant Cell and Environment 2009;32(2):144-157. [GFS-3000 & MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
103.     Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid deficiency in NahG transgenic lines and sid2 mutants increases seed yield in the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009;60(4):1261-1271. [IMAGING-PAM]
104.     Ay N, Irmler K, Fischer A, Uhlemann R, Reuter G, Humbeck K. Epigenetic programming via histone methylation at WRKY53 controls leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 2009;58(2):333-346. [IMAGING-PAM]
105.     Chalifour A, Spear PA, Boily MH, DeBlois C, Giroux I, Dassylva N, Juneau P. Assessment of toxic effects of pesticide extracts on different green algal species by using chlorophyll a fluorescence. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 2009;91(7):1315-1329. [IMAGING-PAM]
106.     Cooper TF, Ulstrup KE. Mesoscale variation in the photophysiology of the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis along an environmental gradient Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2009;83(2):186-196. [IMAGING-PAM]
107.     Depuydt S, Trenkamp S, Fernie AR, Elftieh S, Renou J-P, Vuylsteke M, Holsters M, Vereecke D. An Integrated Genomics Approach to Define Niche Establishment by Rhodococcus fascians. Plant Physiology 2009;149:1366-1386. [IMAGING-PAM]
108.     Escher BI, Bramaz N, Lienert J, Neuwoehner J, Straub JO. Mixture toxicity of the antiviral drug Tamiflu® (oseltamivir ethylester) and its active metabolite oseltamivir acid Aquatic Toxicology 2009;96(3):194-202. [IMAGING-PAM]
109.     Franz S, Altenburger R, Heilmeier H, Schmitt-Jansen M. What contributes to the sensitivity of microalgae to triclosan? . Aquatic Toxicology 2009;90(2):102-108. [IMAGING-PAM]
110.     Gamboa J, Muñoz R, Quiles MJ. Effects of antimycin A and n-propyl gallate on photosynthesis in sun and shade plants Plant Science 2009;177(6):643-647. [IMAGING-PAM]
111.     Holzinger A, Roleda MY, Lütz C. The vegetative arctic freshwater green alga Zygnema is insensitive to experimental UV exposure Micron 2009;40(8):931-838. [IMAGING-PAM]
112.     Jansen M, Gilmer F, Biskup B, Nagel KA, Rascher U, Fischbach A, Briem S, Dreissen G, Tittmann S, Braun S, De Jaeger I, Metzlaff M, Schurr U, Scharr H, Walter A. Simultaneous phenotyping of leaf growth and chlorophyll fluorescence via GROWSCREEN FLUORO allows detection of stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and other rosette plants. Functional Plant Biology 2009;36:902-914. [IMAGING-PAM]
113.     Kim J, Smith JJ, Tian L, DellaPenna D. The Evolution and Function of Carotenoid Hydroxylases in Arabidopsis. Plant & Cell Physiology 2009;50(3):463-479. [IMAGING-PAM]
114.     Kim J-H, Lee MH, Moon YR, Kim J-S, Wi SG, Kim TH, Chung BY. Characterization of metabolic disturbances closely linked to the delayed senescence of Arabidopsis leaves after γ irradiation Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009;67(2):363-371. [IMAGING-PAM]
115.     Kitao M, Löw M, Heerdt C, Grams TEE, Häberle K-H, Matyssek R. Effects of chronic elevated ozone exposure on gas exchange responses of adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) as related to the within-canopy light gradient Environmental Pollution 2009;157(2):537-544. [IMAGING-PAM]
116.     Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA. Action potential-induced changes in photosynthetic pattern of a plant cell Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 2009;153(2):s213-s214. [IMAGING-PAM]
117.     Kunz H-H, Scharnewski M, Feussner K, Feussner I, Flügge U-I, Fulda M, Gierth M. The ABC Transporter PXA1 and Peroxisomal -Oxidation Are Vital for Metabolism in Mature Leaves of Arabidopsis during Extended Darkness The Plant Cell 2009;21:2733-2749. [IMAGING-PAM, WATER-PAM]
118.     Liu N, Lin Z-F, Guan L-L, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L. Light acclimation and HSO3- damage on photosynthetic apparatus of three subtropical forest species Ecotoxicology 2009;18(7):929-938. [IMAGING-PAM]
119.     Liu N, Lin Z-F, Van Devender A, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L, Pan X-P, Chen S-W, Gu Q. Spectral reflectance indices and pigment functions during leaf ontogenesis in six subtropical landscape plants. Plant Growth Regulation 2009;58:73-84. [IMAGING-PAM]
120.     McElrone AJ, Hamilton JG, Krafnick AJ, Aldea M, Knepp RG, DeLucia EH. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and natural climatic variation on leaf spot diseases of redbud and sweetgum trees Environmental Pollution 2009;158(1):108-114. [IMAGING-PAM]
121.     Mieog JC, Olsen JL, Berkelmans R, Bleuler-Martinez SA, Willis BL, Oppen MJHv. The Roles and Interactions of Symbiont, Host and Environment in Defining Coral Fitness. PLoS One 2009;4(7):e6364. [IMAGING-PAM]
122.     Niewiadomska E, Polzien L, Desel C, Rozpadek P, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K. Spatial patterns of senescence and development-dependent distribution of reactive oxygen species in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves Journal of Plant Physiology 2009;166(10):1057-1068. [IMAGING-PAM]
123.     Petroutsos D, Terauchi AM, Busch A, Hirschmann I, Merchant SS, Finazzi G, Hippler M. PGRL1 Participates in Iron-induced Remodeling of the Photosynthetic Apparatus and in Energy Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2009;284:32770-32781. [IMAGING-PAM]
124.     Raab S, Drechsel G, Zarepour M, Hartung W, Koshiba T, Bittner F, Hoth S. Identification of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase that is required for suppression of premature senescence in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 2009;59(1):39-51. [IMAGING-PAM]
125.     Rosso D, Bode R, Li W, Krol M, Saccon D, Wang S, Schillaci LA, Rodermel SR, Maxwell DP, Hüner NPA. Photosynthetic Redox Imbalance Governs Leaf Sectoring in the Arabidopsis thaliana Variegation Mutants immutans, spotty, var1, and var2. The Plant Cell 2009;21:3473-3492. [IMAGING-PAM]
126.     Shaw M, Negri A, Fabricius K, Mueller JF. Predicting water toxicity: Pairing passive sampling with bioassays on the Great Barrier Reef Aquatic Toxicology 2009;95(2):108-116. [IMAGING-PAM]
127.     Shu Z, Shao L, Huang H-Y, Zeng X-Q, Lin Z-F, Chen G-Y, Peng C-L. Comparison of thermostability of PSII between the chromatic and green leaf c*rs of Amaranthus tricolor L. . Photosynthetica 2009;47(4):548-558. [IMAGING-PAM]
128.     Šnyrychová I, Ayaydin F, Hideg É. Detecting hydrogen peroxide in leaves in vivo – a comparison of methods. Physiologia Plantarum 2009;135(1):1-18. [IMAGING-PAM]
129.     Sussman M, Mieog JC, Doyle J, Victor S, Willis BL, Bourne DG. Vibrio Zinc-Metalloprotease Causes Photoinactivation of Coral Endosymbionts and Coral Tissue Lesions. PLoS ONE 2009;4(2):e4511. [IMAGING-PAM]
130.     Vermeirssen ELM, Bramaz N, Hollender J, Singer H, Escher BI. Passive sampling combined with ecotoxicological and chemical analysis of pharmaceuticals and biocides – evaluation of three Chemcatcher™ configurations Water Research 2009;43(4):903-914. [IMAGING-PAM]
131.     Voll LM, Hajirezaei MR, Czogalla-Peter C, Lein W, Stitt M, Sonnewald U, Börnke F. Antisense inhibition of enolase strongly limits the metabolism of aromatic amino acids, but has only minor effects on respiration in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants. New Phytologist 2009;184(3):607-618. [GFS-3000 & MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
132.     Wang H, Gu M, Cui J, Shi K, Zhou Y, Yu J. Effects of light quality on CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll-fluorescence quenching, expression of Calvin cycle genes and carbohydrate accumulation in Cucumis sativus Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2009;96(1):30-37. [IMAGING-PAM]
133.     Wang L-J, Loescher W, Duan W, Li W-D, Yang S-H, Li S-H. Heat acclimation induced acquired heat tolerance and cross adaptation in different grape c*rs: relationships to photosynthetic energy partitioning. Functional Plant Biology 2009;36:516-526. [IMAGING-PAM]
134.     Yiotis C, Petropoulou Y, Manetas Y. Evidence for light-independent and steeply decreasing PSII efficiency along twig depth in four tree species Photosynthetica 2009;47(2):223-231. [IMAGING-PAM]
135.     Zeliou K, Manetas Y, Petropoulou Y. Transient winter leaf reddening in Cistus creticus characterizes weak (stress-sensitive) individuals, yet anthocyanins cannot alleviate the adverse effects on photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009;60(11):3031-3042. [IMAGING-PAM]
136.     宋莉英, 孫蘭蘭, 舒展, 曾偉, 李偉華, 彭長連. 干旱和復(fù)水對入侵植物三裂葉蟛蜞菊葉片葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘挠绊?/span>. 生態(tài)學(xué)報 2009;29(7):3714-3721. [IMAGING-PAM]
137.     宋莉英, 孫蘭蘭, 舒展, 李偉華, 彭長連. 夏季高光下入侵植物三裂葉蟛蜞菊葉片變紅的生理功能. 生物多樣性 2009;17(2):188-194. [IMAGING-PAM]
138.     李哲, 邢達(dá). 光學(xué)無損分析技術(shù)在植物鋁毒性研究中的應(yīng)用. 激光生物學(xué)報 2009;18(2):275-280. [IMAGING-PAM]
139.     杜亮亮, 金愛武, 胡元斌, 金曉春, 宋艷冬. 5種箬竹屬竹種葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘谋容^. 世界竹藤通訊 2009;7(2):17-21. [IMAGING-PAM]
140.     林阿朋, 王超, 喬洪金, 潘光華, 王廣策, 宋厲蕓, 孫松, 周百成. 青島海域漂浮和沉降滸苔的光合作用研究. 科學(xué)通報 2009;54(4):294-298. [MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
141.     柴偉國, 呂曉菡, 劉歆. 辣椒千麗1號及其親本光合特性和耐寒性的測定. 浙江農(nóng)業(yè)學(xué)報 2009:32-35. [IMAGING-PAM]
142.     黃紅英, 竇新永, 鄧斌, 吳國江, 彭長連. 不同次生種源麻瘋樹對高溫脅迫的響應(yīng). 林業(yè)科學(xué) 2009;45(7):150-155. [IMAGING-PAM]
143.     Abrego D, Ulstrup KE, Willis BL, van Oppen MJH. Species–specific interactions between algal endosymbionts and coral hosts define their bleaching response to heat and light stress Proc R Soc Lond B 2008;275(1648):2273-2282. [IMAGING-PAM]
144.     Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Hyponastic leaf growth decreases the photoprotective demand, prevents damage to photosystem II and delays leaf senescence in Salvia broussonetii plants. Physiologia Plantarum 2008;134(2):369-379. [IMAGING-PAM]
145.     Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid may be involved in the regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence in perennials: A case study in field-grown Salvia officinalis L. plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008;64(2):105-112. [IMAGING-PAM]
146.     Ainsworth TD, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Heron SF, Skirving WJ, Leggat W. Early cellular changes are indicators of pre-bleaching thermal stress in the coral host Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2008;364(2):63-71. [IMAGING-PAM]
147.     Ali NA, Juneau P, Didur O, Perreault F, Popovic R. Effect of dichromate on photosystem II activity in xanthophyll deficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Photosynthesis Research 2008;95(1):45-53. [IMAGING-PAM]
148.     Ay N, Clauss K, Barth O, Humbeck K. Identification and characterization of novel senescence-associated genes from barley (Hordeum vulgare) primary leaves. Plant Biology 2008;10(1):121-135. [IMAGING-PAM]
149.     Busch A, Rimbauld B, Naumann B, Rensch S, Hippler M. Ferritin is required for rapid remodeling of the photosynthetic apparatus and minimizes photo-oxidative stress in response to iron availability in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Journal 2008;55(2):201-211. [IMAGING-PAM]
150.     Calatayud Á, Gorbe E, Roca D, Martínez PF. Effect of two nutrient solution temperatures on nitrate uptake, nitrate reductase activity, NH4+ concentration and chlorophyll a fluorescence in rose plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008;64(1):65-74. [IMAGING-PAM]
151.     Ehlert B, Hincha DK. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging accuray quantifies freezing damage and cold acclimation responses in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Methods 2008;4:1-7. [IMAGING-PAM]
152.     Escher BI, Bramaz N, Mueller JF, Quayle P, Rutishauser S, Vermeirssen ELM. Toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQs) for baseline toxicity and specific modes of action as a tool to improve interpretation of ecotoxicity testing of environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2008;10:612-621. [IMAGING-PAM, TOXY-PAM]
153.     Escher BI, Bramaz N, Quayle P, Rutishauser S, Vermeirssen ELM. Monitoring of the ecotoxicological hazard potential by polar organic micropollutants in sewage treatment plants and surface waters using a mode-of-action based test battery. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2008;10:622-631. [IMAGING-PAM]
154.     Garbary DJ, Miller AG, Scrosati R, Kim K-Y, Schofield WB. Distribution and salinity tolerance of intertidal mosses from Nova Scotian salt marshes The Bryologist 2008;111(2):282-191. [IMAGING-PAM]
155.     Guidi L, Degl’Innocenti E. Ozone effects on high light-induced photoinhibition in Phaseolus vulgaris Plant Science 2008;174(6):590-596. [IMAGING-PAM]
156.     Guidi L, Degl'Innocenti E, Remorini D, Massai R, Tattini M. Interactions of water stress and solar irradiance on the physiology and biochemistry of Ligustrum vulgare. Tree Physiology 2008;28(6):873-883. [IMAGING-PAM]
157.    Hall-Spencer JM, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley SJ, Tedesco D, Buia M-C. Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature 2008;454:96-99. [IMAGING-PAM, DIVING-PAM]
158.     Hideg É. A comparative study of fluorescent singlet oxygen probes in plant leaves Central European Journal of Biology 2008;3(3):272-284. [IMAGING-PAM]
159.     Hideg É, Kós PB, Schreiber U. Imaging of NPQ and ROS Formation in Tobacco Leaves: Heat Inactivation of the Water–Water Cycle Prevents Down-Regulation of PSII Plant & Cell Physiology 2008;49(12):1879-1886. [IMAGING-PAM]
160.     Horst RJ, Engelsdorf T, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Infection of maize leaves with Ustilago maydis prevents establishment of C4 photosynthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology 2008;165(1):19-28. [IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000]
161.     Kocal N, Sonnewald U, Sonnewald S. Cell wall-bound invertase limits sucrose export and is involved in symptom development and inhibition of photosynthesis during compatible interaction between tomato and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. Plant Physiology 2008;148:1523-1536. [IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000]
162.     Kós PB, Oláh R, Zok A, Horváth GV, Szegedi E, Váradi G, Bálo B, Hideg É. The role of ferritin in enhancing the stress tolerance of grapevine. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 2008;52(1):41-43. [IMAGING-PAM]
163.     Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA, Roelfsema MRG, Schreiber U. Action potential in Chara cells intensifies spatial patterns of photosynthetic electron flow and non-photochemical quenching in parallel with inhibition of pH banding. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2008;7:681-688. [IMAGING-PAM]
164.     Kuckenberg J, Tartachnyk I, Noga G. Evaluation of fluorescence and remission techniques for monitoring changes in peel chlorophyll and internal fruit characteristics in sunlit and shaded sides of apple fruit during shelf-life Postharvest Biology and Technology 2008;48(2):231-241. [IMAGING-PAM]
165.     Lange PR, Geserick C, Tischendorf G, Zrenner R. Functions of Chloroplastic Adenylate Kinases in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2008;146(2):492-504. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000]
166.     Lehr N-A, Schrey SD, Hampp R, Tarkka MT. Root inoculation with a forest soil streptomycete leads to locally and systemically increased resistance against phytopathogens in Norway spruce. New Phytologist 2008;177(4):965-976. [IMAGING-PAM]
167.     Li Q-M, Liu B-B, Wu Y, Zou Z-R. Interactive Effects of Drought Stresses and Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photochemistry Efficiency of Cucumber Seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2008;50(10):1307-1317. [IMAGING-PAM]
168.     Liu MZ, Osborne CP. Leaf cold acclimation and freezing injury in C3 and C4 grasses of the Mongolian Plateau. Journal of Experimental Botany 2008;59(15):4161-4170. [IMAGING-PAM]
169.     Lu Y, Savage LJ, Ajjawi I, Imre KM, Yoder DW, Benning C, DellaPenna D, Ohlrogge JB, Osteryoung KW, Weber AP, Wilkerson CG, Last RL. New Connections across Pathways and Cellular Processes: Industrialized Mutant Screening Reveals Novel Associations between Diverse Phenotypes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2008;146(4):1482-1500. [IMAGING-PAM]
170.     Magnusson M, Heimann K, Negri AP. Comparative effects of herbicides on photosynthesis and growth of tropical estuarine microalgae Marine Pollution Bulletin 2008;56(9):1545-1552. [IMAGING-PAM, TOXY-PAM]
171.     Massacci A, Nabiev SM, Pietrosanti L, Nematov SK, Chernikova TN, Leipner KTaJ. Response of the photosynthetic apparatus of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) to the onset of drought stress under field conditions studied by gas-exchange analysis and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2008;46(2):189-195. [IMAGING-PAM]
172.     Meyerhoff O, Pfundel E. Photosynthesis in ripe strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) recording by a MAXI-IMAGING-PAM. PAM Application Notes 2008;1:19-20. [MAXI-IMAGING-PAM]
173.     Middlebrook R, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Leggat W. The effect of thermal history on the susceptibility of reef-building corals to thermal stress. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008;211(7):1050-1056. [IMAGING-PAM]
174.     Moon YR, Kim J-H, Lee MH, Kim J-S, Chung BY. Thermal Dissipation of Excess Light in Arabidopsis Leaves is Inhibited after Gamma-irradiation Journal of Plant Biology 2008;51(1):52-57. [IMAGING-PAM]
175.     Muller R, Schreiber U, Escher BI, Quayle P, Nash SMB, Mueller JF. Rapid exposure assessment of PSII herbicides in surface water using a novel chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging assay Science of The Total Environment 2008;401(1-3):1-3. [IMAGING-PAM, TOXY-PAM]
176.     Nicolaisen K, Moslavac S, Samborski A, Valdebenito M, Hantke K, Maldener I, Muro-Pastor AM, Flores E, Schleiff E. Alr0397 is an outer membrane transporter for the siderophore schizokinen in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. Journal of Bacteriology 2008;190(22):7500-7507. [IMAGING-PAM]
177.     Nielsen HD, Nielsen SL. Evaluation of imaging and conventional PAM as a measure of photosynthesis in thin- and thick-leaved marine macroalgae. Aquatic Biology 2008;3:121-131. [IMAGING-PAM]
178.     Pieruschka R, Chavarria-Krauser A, Cloos K, Scharr H, Schurr U, Jahnke S. Photosynthesis can be enhanced by lateral CO2 diffusion inside leaves over distances of several millimeters. New Phytologist 2008;178(2):335-347. [IMAGING-PAM]
179.     Rentzou A, Psaras GK. Green plastids, maximal PSII photochemical efficiency and starch content of inner stem tissues of three Mediterranean woody species during the year Flora 2008;203(4):350-357. [IMAGING-PAM]
180.     Roff G, Kvennefors ECE, Ulstrup KE, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg O. Coral disease physiology: the impact of Acroporid white syndrome on Symbiodinium Coral Reefs 2008;27(2):373-377. [IMAGING-PAM]
181.     Roff G, Ulstrup KE, Fine M, Ralph PJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O. Spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic activity within diseased corals from the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Phycology 2008;44(2):526-538. [IMAGING-PAM]
182.     Schildhauer J, Wiedemuth K, Humbeck K. Supply of nitrogen can reverse senescence processes and affect expression of genes coding for plastidic glutamine synthetase and lysine-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase. Plant Biology 2008;10(1):76-84. [IMAGING-PAM]
183.     Schreiber U, Klughammer C. Non-photochemical fluorescence quenching and quantum yields in PS I and PS II: Analysis of heat-induced limitations using Maxi-Imaging-PAM and Dual-PAM-100. PAM Application Notes 2008;1:15-18. [MAXI-IMAGING-PAM, DUAL-PAM-100]
184.     Shao L, Shu Z, Peng C-L, Lin Z-F, Yang C-W, Gu Q. Enhanced sensitivity of Arabidopsis anthocyanin mutants to photooxidation : a study with fluorescence imaging. Functional Plant Biology 2008;35:714-724. [IMAGING-PAM]
185.     Shaw CM, Lam PKS, Mueller JF. Photosystem II herbicide pollution in Hong Kong and its potential photosynthetic effects on corals Marine Pollution Bulletin 2008;57(6-12):473-478. [IMAGING-PAM]
186.     Špulák O. Assimilation apparatus variability of beech transplants grown in variable light conditions of blue spruce shelter. Journal of Forest Science 2008;54(11):491-496. [IMAGING-PAM]
187.     Woo NS, Badger MR, Pogson BJ. A rapid, non-invasive procedure for quantitative assessment of drought survival using chlorophyll fluorescence. Plant Methods 2008;4:27-40. [IMAGING-PAM]
188.     Zuluaga DL, Gonzali S, Loreti E, Pucciariello C, Degl'Innocenti E, Guidi L, Alpi A, Perata P. Arabidopsis thaliana MYB75/PAP1 transcription factor induces anthocyanin production in transgenic tomato plants. Functional Plant Biology 2008;35:606-618. [IMAGING-PAM]
189.     任小龍, 賈志寬, 陳小莉, 韓娟, 韓清芳, 丁瑞霞. 半干旱區(qū)溝壟集雨對玉米光合特性及產(chǎn)量的影響. 作物學(xué)報 2008;34(5):838-845. [IMAGING-PAM]
190.     施征, 史勝青, 肖文發(fā), 齊力旺. 脫水脅迫對梭梭和胡楊苗葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘挠绊?/span>. 林業(yè)科學(xué)研究 2008;21(4):566-570. [IMAGING-PAM]
191.     李蕓瑛, 竇新永, 彭長連. 三種瀕危木蘭植物幼樹光合特性對高溫的響應(yīng). 生態(tài)學(xué)報 2008;28(7):1-9. [IMAGING-PAM]
192.     柴偉國, 呂曉菡, 劉歆. ‘千麗1、弄口早椒與其親本光合特性和耐寒性的差異. 杭州農(nóng)業(yè)科技 2008:7-10. [IMAGING-PAM]
193.     竇新永, 吳國江, 黃紅英, 侯雨佳, 顧群, 彭長連. 麻楓樹幼苗對干旱脅迫的響應(yīng). 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報 2008;19(7):1425-1430. [IMAGING-PAM]
194.     陳小莉, 李世清, 任小龍, 李生秀. 大氣NH3和介質(zhì)供氮水平對不同氮效率玉米基因型葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的影響. 生態(tài)學(xué)報 2008;28(3):1026-1033. [IMAGING-PAM]
195.     馬守臣, 徐炳成, 李鳳民, 黃占斌. 冬小麥(Triticum aestivum)分蘗冗余生態(tài)學(xué)意義以及減少冗余對水分利用效率的影響. 生態(tài)學(xué)報 2008;28(1):321-326. [IMAGING-PAM]
196.     馬守臣, 李鳳民, 徐炳成, 黃占斌. 返青期根修剪對冬小麥后期耐旱性及水分利用效率的影響. 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報 2008;32(5):1194-1200. [IMAGING-PAM]
197.     Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Photo- and antioxidant protection and salicylic acid accumulation during post-anthesis leaf senescence in Salvia lanigera grown under Mediterranean climate. Physiologia Plantarum 2007;131(4):590-598. [IMAGING-PAM]
198.     Bigot A, Fontaine F, Clément C, Vaillant-Gaveau N. Effect of the herbicide flumioxazin on photosynthetic performance of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Chemosphere 2007;67(6):1243-1251. [IMAGING-PAM]
199.     Costanzo SD, Watkinson AJ, Murby EJ, Kolpin DW, Sandstrom MW. Is there a risk associated with the insect repellent DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) commonly found in aquatic environments? . Science of The Total Environment 2007;384(1-3):214-220. [IMAGING-PAM]
200.     Guidi L, Mori S, Degl'Innocenti E, Pecchiab S. Effects of ozone exposure or fungal pathogen on white lupin leaves as determined by imaging of chlorophyll a fluorescence Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2007;45(10-11):851-857. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000/PAM-2100]
201.     Hennig A, Bonfig K, Roitsch T, Warzecha H. Expression of the recombinant bacterial outer surface protein A in tobacco chloroplasts leads to thylakoid localization and loss of photosynthesis. FEBS Journal 2007;274(21):5749-5758. [IMAGING-PAM]
202.     Hideg E, Kos PB, Vass I. Photosystem II damage induced by chemically generated singlet oxygen in tobacco leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 2007;131(1):33-40. [IMAGING-PAM]
203.     Hideg É, Schreiber U. Parallel assessment of ROS formation and photosynthesis in leaves by fluorescence imaging. Photosynthesis Research 2007;92:103-108. [IMAGING-PAM]
204.     Kargul J, Maghlaoui K, Murray JW, Deak Z, Boussac A, Rutherford AW, Vass I, Barber J. Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analyses of the T. elongatus PSII core dimer with strontium replacing calcium in the oxygen-evolving Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2007;1767(6):404-413. [IMAGING-PAM]
205.     Küster A, Altenburger R. Development and validation of a new fluorescence-based bioassay for aquatic macrophyte species Chemosphere 2007;67(1):194-201. [IMAGING-PAM]
206.     Küster A, Pohl K, Altenburger R. A fluorescence-based bioassay for aquatic macrophytes and its suitability for effect analysis of non-photosystem II inhibitors Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2007;14(6):377-383. [IMAGING-PAM]
207.     Lehr NA, Schrey SD, Bauer R, Hampp R, Tarkka MT. Suppression of plant defence response by a mycorrhiza helper bacterium. New Phytologist 2007;174(4):892-903. [IMAGING-PAM]
208.     Lenk S, Chaerle L, Pfündel EE, Langsdorf G, Hagenbeek D, Lichtenthaler HK, Van Der Straeten D, Buschmann C. Multispectral fluorescence and reflectance imaging at the leaf level and its possible applications. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007;58:807-814. [IMAGING-PAM]
209.     Oreb M, Zoryan M, Vojta A, Maier U, Eichacker L, Schleiff E. Phospho-mimicry mutant of atToc33 affects early development of Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters 2007;581(30):5945-5951. [IMAGING-PAM]
210.     Orth T, Reumann S, Zhang X, Fan J, Wenzel D, Quan S, Hu J. The PEROXIN11 protein family controls peroxisome proliferation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 2007;19:333-350. [IMAGING-PAM]
211.     Rossel JB, Wilson PB, Hussain D, Woo NS, Gordon MJ, Mewett OP, Howell KA, Whelan J, Kazan K, Pogson BJ. Systemic and Intracellular Responses to Photooxidative Stress in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 2007;19:4091-4110. [IMAGING-PAM]
212.     Runcie JW, Riddle MJ. Assessing the toxic effects of dissolved copper on the Antarctic macroalga Desmarestia menziesii using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging in ecotoxicological tests Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry 2007;89(4):641-653. [DIVING-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
213.     Schreiber U, Quayle P, Schmidt S, Escher BI, Mueller JF. Methodology and evaluation of a highly sensitive algae toxicity test based on multiwell chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2007;22(11):2554-2563. [IMAGING-PAM]
214.     Solymosi K, Vitányi B, Hideg É, Böddi B. Etiolation symptoms in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cotyledons partially covered by the pericarp of the Achene. Annals of Botany 2007;99:857-867. [IMAGING-PAM]
215.     Ulstrup KE, Kühl M, Bourne DG. Zooxanthellae harvested by ciliates associated with brown band syndrome of corals remain photosynthetically competent. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2007;73(6):1968-1975. [IMAGING-PAM]
216.     吉春容, 李世清, 李生秀. 施肥與品種及其種子大小對冬小麥光合及葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘挠绊?/span>. 西北植物學(xué)報 2007;27(12):2522-2530. [IMAGING-PAM]
217.     鄧培雁, 劉威, 韓博平. 寶山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)鎘脅迫下的光合作用 生態(tài)學(xué)報 2007;27(5):1858-1862. [IMAGING-PAM]
218.     鄧培雁, 劉威, 韓博平, 韓志國. 寶山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)、紫花地丁V. yedoensis光合異質(zhì)性比較生態(tài)學(xué)報 2007;27(7):2983-2989. [IMAGING-PAM]
219.     鄧培雁, 劉威, 韓志國. 砷脅迫下蜈蚣草光合作用的變化. 生態(tài)環(huán)境 2007;16(3):775-778. [IMAGING-PAM]
220.     高海波, 沈應(yīng)柏. 用葉綠素?zé)晒庋芯恐参飩π畔⒌南到y(tǒng)性傳遞. 湖北農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 2007;46(5):771-773. [IMAGING-PAM]
221.     Aldea M, Frank TD, DeLucia EH. A method for quantitative analysis of spatially variable physiological processes across leaf surfaces Photosynthesis Research 2006;90(2):161-172. [IMAGING-PAM]
222.     Aldea M, Hamilton JG, Resti JP, Zangerl AR, Berenbaum MR, Frank TD, Delucia EH. Comparison of photosynthetic damage from arthropod herbivory and pathogen infection in understory hardwood saplings. Oecologia 2006;149:221-232. [IMAGING-PAM]
223.    Aschan G, Pfanz H. Why Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis L.) tepals have green marks? . Flora 2006;201(8):623-632. [IMAGING-PAM]
224.     Bonfig KB, Schreiber U, Gabler A, Roitsch T, Berger S. Infection with virulent and avirulent P. syringae strains differentially affects photosynthesis and sink metabolism in Arabidopsis leaves Planta 2006;225(1):1-12. [IMAGING-PAM]
225.     Calatayud A, Roca D, Martínez PF. Spatial-temporal variations in rose leaves under water stress conditions studied by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2006;44(10):564-573. [IMAGING-PAM]
226.     Dima E, Manetas Y, Psaras GK. Chlorophyll distribution pattern in inner stem tissues: evidence from epifluorescence microscopy and reflectance measurements in 20 woody species Trees - Structure and Function 2006;20(4):515-521. [IMAGING-PAM]
227.     Eggert A, Haubner N, Klausch S, Karsten U, Schumann R. Quantification of algal biofilms colonising building materials: chlorophyll a measured by PAM-fluorometry as a biomass parameter. Biofouling 2006;22(1-2):79-90. [PAM-2000, IMAGING-PAM]
228.     Escher BI, Quayle P, Muller R, Schreiber U, Mueller JF. Passive sampling of herbicides combined with effect analysis in algae using a novel high-throughput phytotoxicity assay (Maxi-Imaging-PAM). Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2006;8:456-464. [IMAGING-PAM]
229.     Heddad M, Norén H, Reiser V, Dunaeva M, Andersson B, Adamska I. Differential expression and localization of early light-induced proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 2006;142(1):75-87. [IMAGING-PAM]
230.     Hölzl G, Witt S, Kelly AA, Zähringer U, Warnecke D, Dörmann P, Heinz E. Functional differences between galactolipids and glucolipids revealed in photosynthesis of higher plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006;103(19):7512-7517. [IMAGING-PAM]
231.     Huesgen P, Schuhmann H, Adamska I. Photodamaged D1 protein is degraded in Arabidopsis mutants lacking the Deg2 protease. FEBS Letters 2006;580(30):6929-6932. [IMAGING-PAM]
232.     Ivanov AG, Hendrickson L, Krol M, Selstam E, Öquist G, Hurry V, Huner NPA. Digalactosyl-diacylglycerol deficiency impairs the capacity for photosynthetic intersystem electron transport and state transitions in Arabidopsis thaliana due to photosystem I acceptor-side limitations. Plant & Cell Physiology 2006;47:1146-1157. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-100]
233.     Kaiser H, Grams TEE. Rapid hydropassive opening and subsequent active stomatal closure follow heat-induced electrical signals in Mimosa pudica. Journal of Experimental Botany 2006;57(9):2087-2092. [IMAGING-PAM]
234.     Kuster A, Altenburger R. Development and validation of a new fluorescence-based bioassay for aquatic macrophyte species. Chemosphere 2006;67(1):194-201. [IMAGING-PAM]
235.     Lohmann A, Schottler MA, Brehelin C, Kessler F, Bock R, Cahoon EB, Dormann P. Deficiency in phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) methylation affects prenyl quinone distribution, photosystem I abundance, and anthocyanin accumulation in the Arabidopsis AtmenG mutant. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2006;281(52):40461-40472. [DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
236.     Marenco RA, Siebke K, Farquhar GD, Ball MC. Hydraulically based stomatal oscillations and stomatal patchiness in Gossypium hirsutum. Functional Plant Biology 2006;33:1103-1113. [IMAGING-PAM]
237.     Nagel KA, Schurr U, Walter A. Dynamics of root growth stimulation in Nicotiana tabacum in increasing light intensity. Plant Cell and Environment 2006;29(10):1936-1945. [IMAGING-PAM]
238.    Petit A-N, Vaillant N, Boulay M, Clément C, Fontaine F. Alteration of photosynthesis in grapevines affected by esca. Phytopathology 2006;96(10):1060-1066. [IMAGING-PAM]
239.     Philipps G, Drzewiecki C, Barth O, Zschiesche W, Humbeck K. Light-dependent expression of the cold-regulated gene HvMC1 in barley (Hordeum vulgare l.) Journal of Thermal Biology 2006;31(6):473-482. [IMAGING-PAM]
240.     Pieruschka R, Schurr U, Jensen M, Wolff WF, Jahnke S. Lateral diffusion of CO2 from shaded to illuminated leaf parts affects photosynthesis inside homobaric leaves. New Phytologist 2006;169:779-788. [IMAGING-PAM, TEACHING-PAM]
241.     Swarbrick PJ, Schulze-Lefert P, Scholes JD. Metabolic consequences of susceptibility and resistance (race-specific and broad-spectrum) in barley leaves challenged with powdery mildew. Plant Cell and Environment 2006;29(6):1061-1076. [IMAGING-PAM]
242.     Vopel K, Hawes I. Photosynthetic performance of benthic microbial mats in Lake Hoare, Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography 2006;51(4):1801-1812. [IMAGING-PAM]
243.     鞏擎柱, 呂金印, 徐柄成, 李鳳民, 張海波. 水分脅迫和種植方式對小麥葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)及水分利用效率的影響. 西北農(nóng)林科技大學(xué)學(xué)報 2006;34(5):83-87. [IMAGING-PAM]
244.     王振宇, 呂金印, 徐炳成, 李鳳民. 斷根對冬小麥熒光特性和產(chǎn)量的影響. 西北植物學(xué)報 2006;26(2):276-281. [IMAGING-PAM]
245.     蔡馬, 賀立紅, 梁紅. 2種銀杏葉片葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘谋容^. 安徽農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué) 2006;34(14):3322-3324. [IMAGING-PAM]
246.     賀立紅, 賀立靜, 梁紅. 銀杏不同品種葉綠素?zé)晒鈪?shù)的比較. 華南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報 2006;27(4):43-46. [IMAGING-PAM]
247.     賀立紅, 賀立靜, 顧群, 梁紅. 銀杏同一葉片不同部位葉綠素?zé)晒馓匦缘难芯?/span>. 北方園藝 2006(6):27-29. [IMAGING-PAM]
248.     郭學(xué)民, 王貴禧, 高榮孚, 梁麗松. 果實表皮毛的掃描電鏡觀察及其對果實表面熒光特性的影響. 內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報 2006;27(2):43-47. [IMAGING-PAM]
249.     Aldea M, Hamilton JG, Resti JP, Zangerl AR, Berenbaum MR, Delucia EH. Indirect effects of insect herbivory on leaf gas exchange in soybean. Plant Cell and Environment 2005;28:402-411. [IMAGING-PAM]
250.     Aschan G, Pfanz H, Vodnik D, Batic F. Photosynthetic performance of vegetative and reproductive structures of green hellebore (Helleborus viridis L. agg.) Photosynthetica 2005;43(1):55-64. [IMAGING-PAM]
251.     Baek M-H, Kim J-H, Chung BY, Kim J-S, Lee IS. Alleviation of salt stress by low dose g-irradiation in rice. Biologia Plantarum 2005;49(2):273-276. [IMAGING-PAM]
252.     Borisjuk L, Nguyen TH, Neuberger T, Rutten T, Tschiersch H, Claus B, Feussner I, Webb AG, Jakob P, Weber H, Wobus U, Rolletschek H. Gradients of lipid storage, photosynthesis and plastid differentiation in developing soybean seeds. New Phytologist 2005;163:761-776. [IMAGING-PAM]
253.     Gog L, Berenbaum MR, DeLucia EH, Zangerl AR. Autotoxic effects of essential oils on photosynthesis in parsley, parsnip, and rough lemon. Chemoecology 2005;15:115-119. [IMAGING-PAM]
254.     Kim J-H, Chung BY, Kim J-S, Wi SG. Effects of in Planta gamma-irradiation on growth, photosynthesis, and antioxidative capacity of red pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) plants Journal of Plant Biology 2005;48(1):47-56. [IMAGING-PAM]
255.     Kühl M, Chen M, Ralph PJ, Schreiber U, Larkum AWD. A niche for cyanobacteria containing chlorophyll d. Nature 2005;433:820. [IMAGING-PAM]
256.     Lautner S, Grams TEE, Matyssek R, Fromm J. Characteristics of electrical signals in poplar and responses in photosynthesis. Plant Physiology 2005;138:2200-2209. [IMAGING-PAM]
257.     Manetas Y, Pfanz H. Spatial heterogeneity of light penetration through periderm and lenticels and concomitant patchy acclimation of corticular photosynthesis Trees - Structure and Function 2005;19(4):409-414. [IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000]
258.     Marjanovic Z, Uwe N, Hampp R. Mycorrhiza formation enhances adaptive response of hybrid poplar to drought Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2005;1048:496-499. [IMAGING-PAM]
259.     Nielsen HD, Nielsen SL. Photosynthetic responses to Cu2+ exposure are independent of light acclimation and uncoupled from growth inhibition in Fucus serratus (Phaeophyceae) Marine Pollution Bulletin 2005;51(8-12):715-721. [IMAGING-PAM]
260.     Podola B, Melkonian M. Selective real-time herbicide monitoring by an array chip biosensor employing diverse microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology 2005;17(3):261-271. [IMAGING-PAM]
261.     Ralph PJ, Macinnis-Ng CMO, Frankart C. Fluorescence imaging application: effect of leaf age on seagrass photokinetics. Aquatic Botany 2005;81:69-84. [IMAGING-PAM]
262.     Ralph PJ, Schreiber U, Gademann R, Kühl M, Larkum AWD. Coral photobiology studied with a new imaging pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer. Journal of Phycology 2005;41(2):335-342. [IMAGING-PAM]
263.     Zou J, Rodriguez-Zas S, Aldea M, Li M, Zhu J, Gonzalez DO, Vodkin LO, DeLucia E, Clough SJ. Expression Profiling Soybean Response to Pseudomonas syringae Reveals New Defense-Related Genes and Rapid HR-Specific Downregulation of Photosynthesis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2005;18(11):1161-1174. [IMAGING-PAM]
264.     Berger S, Papadopoulos M, Schreiber U, Kaiser W, Roitsch T. Complex regulation of gene expression, photosynthesis and sugar levels by pathogen infection in tomato. Physiologia Plantarum 2004;122:419-428. [IMAGING-PAM]
265.     Hill R, Larkum AWD, Frankart C, Kühl M, Ralph PJ. Loss of functional Photosystem II reaction centres in zooxanthellae of corals exposed to bleaching conditions: using fluorescence rise kinetics. Photosynthesis Research 2004;82:59-72. [IMAGING-PAM]
266.     Hill R, Schreiber U, Gademann R, Larkum AWD, Kühl M, Ralph PJ. Spatial heterogeneity of photosynthesis and the effect of temperature-induced bleaching conditions in three species of corals. Marine Biology 2004;144:633-640. [IMAGING-PAM]
267.     Kim J-H, Baek M-H, Chung BY, Wi SG, Kim J-S. Alterations in the photosynthetic pigments and antioxidant machineries of red pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) seedlings from gamma-irradiated seeds Journal of Plant Biology 2004;47(4):314-321. [IMAGING-PAM]
268.     Podola B, Nowack ECM, Melkonian M. The use of multiple-strain algal sensor chips for the detection and identification of volatile organic compounds. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2004;19:1253-1260. [IMAGING-PAM]
269.     Koziolek C, Grams TEE, Schreiber U, Matyssek R, Fromm J. Transient knockout of photosynthesis mediated by electrical signals. New Phytologist 2003;161:715-722. [IMAGING-PAM]
270.     Schreiber U, Walz H, Kolbowski J. Propagation of spatial variations of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in dandelion leaves induced by spot laser heating. PAM News 2003. [IMAGING-PAM]
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